Below you will find answers to many common questions (faq) you might have about the 100state coworking space. Please feel free to reach out to us if your question wasn’t answered.

Why is the name 100state when you’re not actually at 100state Street?
100State was the original address and location above Ian’s Pizza on State Street when 100state started back in 2013.
Is 100state a for-profit or a non-profit organization?
100state is setup as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.
How many locations has 100state had?
Four (4). 100 State Street (4th floor above Ian’s), 30 West Mifflin St (on the capital square above Coopers), 316 West Washington Avenue, and our current location, 17 South Fairchild Street.
Where are the paper towels and toilet paper?
- Toiletry items including soap, should we ever run out, can be found next to the fridge under the red cabinet. There may also be a stash under the counter in the respective bathrooms. These are on auto-replenish from Amazon and scheduled to replenish every month.
Coffee machines?
- Where are grounds kept? In the cabinet on the far left in the kitchen.
- How to order more coffee? 100state does not have an ongoing coffee service. Coffee grounds are provided by the organization through partnerships with local roasters and members who want to bring in their own coffee. If you would like to provide a month of coffee for 100state, please email subject line: Coffee
Where are the lights for the building?
- Most lights are on the walls near the doors. The two sets of master lights are to the left of the elevator and to the right of the phone booth closest to the Pressure Cooker (office room).
How to change temperature?
- There are two thermostats on the floor
- One is in the Government Oversight room, the other is on the wall near the printers. Please do not change the thermostats without contacting the others near you in the space or the 100state staff.
For full day visits, we recommend that you park in the ramp on the corner of Fairchild and East Main Street.
For shorter visits, there are 25 minute, 1 hour and 2 hour parking meters in front of the building on Fairchild St and along East Main Street and East Henry Street.
Meters are enforced 8am-6pm Monday through Saturday.
How can I change or make payment arrangements?
- Payments are handled through Moonclerk and Stripe. Please email if you have questions or concerns about membership payments. Alternatively there is a link at the bottom of your monthly email receipt where you can update your payment information.
Can I bring a non-member?
- Absolutely, we encourage you to bring friends and co-workers from time to time. If someone wants to become a regular user of the space, we would encourage them to pursue regular membership.
Who do I contact if I have an issue?
- The quickest way to get a response is to ping the #general channel in Slack. Slack is a great app to have open throughout the day to keep in touch with coworkers and abreast of things going on in the space (treats, events, questions, games….etc)
- For additional inquiries, please contact If your matter is urgent, you may contact Joseph on his cell phone via call or text at 608-609-6716.
What do I do if I am locked out?
- Ping the Slack channel as a first step. Also a good idea to get a cell phone number from a coworker or two just in case. Joseph can be reached at his cell phone # above.
How do I reserve a conference room or check if they’re free?
- Please check LiquidSpace to reserve a conference room. Conference rooms are free to use for regular (pro) members.
Northwest (out the elevator and to the right) and southeast corners (behind Kyle’s desk) of the floor both have fire exits. Please familiarize yourself with the closest available exit.
The primary business, social and community communication platform used by 100state. We make the most of channels organized by topic. Get started following the prompts in the “#new-member” channel. If you have any questions about 100state or its communal space, ask within slack for the best immediate response. If there is a more personal question you want to ask a staff member, email
Real-time scheduling system for our three conference rooms.