The creative arm of 100state

100arts represents the creative branch of 100state. As part of an organization that champions the intersection between art, education and entrepreneurship, we push to create space for artists in the professional world. Artists, like other professionals, are freelancers, small business owners, educators, mentors and organizers. All professionals need access to resources and we believe that an emphasis on community building builds for better businesses. Come visit the space to see our latest installation and keep an eye out for our newsletter for upcoming events and important announcements!

Art Gallery Night

Art Director

Growing up in southern Wisconsin, Mushka was fortunate to have friends and family support his journey in the Arts. After having transplanted himself to the dreamy Caribbean, Boston and New York, he is now back home in Madison, where he volunteers for the MMoCA and continues Life Drawing investigations on the UW Campus. Mushka is also passionate about the Theremin, conjuring magical melodies from the ethers…Show Tunes, Classical Music and Science Fiction on the street and providing workshops, raising funds toward kids with cancer.



Art Director
Art Gallery Night

Upcoming: Spring Art Gallery Night

Friday, October 4th 5pm – 9pm

100state is a proud supporter of the arts and participates in the MoMCA gallery night twice a year.  Our space is very large and we can hold more art than most galleries in town.  Not only do we display art, we also believe highly in entertainment for the evening.  Past events included live artist demonstrations, fashion shows, live music, wine, snacks, and games.

Artists Who Displayed at 100state

Andrew Christensen
Adrew Christensen
Alejandro Punbra
Alejandro Punbra
Amy M. Weh
Amy Regutti
Amy Regutti
Andre Ferrella
Andre Ferrella
Annemarie Adams
Annemarie Adams
Antonio Testolin
Antonio Testolin
Bill Krupinski
Bill Krupinski
Bobbette Rose
Bobbette Rose
Carlos Mireles
Charline Marcila
Charline Marcila
Chele Ramos
Chele Ramos
Chelle Diederich
Chelle Diederich
Christina Theobald
Cleopatra Jones
Cleopatra Jones
David O. Williams
David O. Williams
Diana Zemliauskas
Diana Zemliauskas
Donald Topp
Donald Topp
David E. L. Haynes
Doug E. L. Hynes
Eric Baillies
Erin Kubinek
Erin Kubinek
Erin Liljegren
Erin Liljegren
Gail Hutchinson
Gail Hutchinson
Hannah Kimyon
Hannah Kimyon
Issis Macias
Issis Macias
Jen Sky
Jen Sky
Jennika Bastian
Jennika Bastian
Jessica Gutierrez
Jessica Gutiérrez
Kandra Shefchik
Kandra Shefchik
Kathryn R. Martin
Kathryn Martin
Kaylee Gund
KC Philips
KC Phillips
Kimberly Strittmater
Kimberly Strittmater
Mari LaFore
Mari LaFore
Mark Weller
Mark Weller
Mats Rudels
Mats Rudels
Matt Perrin
Matt Perrin
Mathew Braunginn
Matthew Braunginn
Melanie Sartori
Melanie Sartori
Mert Jones
Mert Jones
Amin Nayebi
Mohammad Amin Nayebi
Nancy Erickson Dutmer
Nancy Erickson Dutmer
Nastia Craig
Nastia Craig
Paul Douglas
Paul Douglas
Peg Orcutt
Peg Orcutt
Rebecca Turk
Rebecca Turk
Ryan Haimerl
Ryan Haimerl
Ryan Robinson
Ryan Robinson
Sarah Weh
Sarah Weh
Savannah Calhoun
Savannah Calhoun
Sergey Dobrynov
Sergey Dobrynov
T. L. Luke
T.L. Luke
Theo Howard
Theo Howard
Tiffany Lavender
Tim Hughes
Tim Hughes

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