Founders Circle – Ignite

Program Overview: The Founder Circle Ignite, Powered by The Network for Health, Technology, and Innovation (NHTI) in partnership with 100State, is designed to provide comprehensive business development support for entrepreneurs. The program has a validated structure, focusing on enhancing key areas of business growth through collaboration with partners to improve content delivery and operational efficiency.

Course Dates: Oct. 8th – Nov. 19th

The program offers two components:

  1. Core Required Component: A two-month, twice-weekly in-person program focusing on critical business development areas such as customer understanding, product improvement using the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach, team building, and scaling strategies to attract funding.
  2. Value-Add Component: Extra sessions to provide additional skills and support.

Objective: The goal is to increase awareness and knowledge of key business development strategies among entrepreneurs. Participants will gain a deep understanding of customer needs, product development, team dynamics, and technical business practices. The program includes interactive workshops and hands-on sessions to help entrepreneurs grow and scale their businesses.

Audience: The program targets:

  • Lifestyle Business Owners: Operating companies (food, cleaning services, salons, etc.) looking to grow and expand.
  • Scalable Business Owners: Entrepreneurs aiming to take their business into national markets and build scalable, investable ventures.
  • Tech Startups: Companies in sectors like HealthTech, FinancialTech, GreenTech, and EdTech.


  • Orientation, Ideation, and MVP Presentation
  • Pitch Intro and Lean Business Model Canvas
  • Goal Setting, Time Management, and Organization Tools
  • Lean Business Model Canvas and Pitch Workshop
  • Basic Branding and Website Development
  • Marketing Workshop: Ideal Client, Platforms, and Content Creation
  • Money Operations: Accounting and Financial Options
  • Pitch Night and Graduation Ceremony

Additional Sessions:

  • Extra-Curricular Workshops: Three additional training workshops to further develop entrepreneurial skills.
  • Check-in and Accountability Sessions: Regular check-ins to monitor progress and ensure accountability toward goals.

This program is a comprehensive roadmap designed to foster entrepreneurial success, enhance business practices, and prepare businesses for scalability and investment.