All of you. Cheesy, I know, but I’m not lying either. One of the great things about being in this community is the wealth and diversity of experience and expertise. I’m strong in some areas and weak in many others. So when I notice something that I should improve upon, I look to all of you and seeing how you do it better given your experience and expertise.
That’s like asking me what my favorite cake is. There are so many choices, and they’re all fantastic. There was the time my cofounder and I had our first late night coding jam in the space, the time when I found out I got my company into Madworks, every scotch o’clock, every 100bytes, my first 100thanks, and so much more. Every day here I make another happy memory. So my favorite 100state memory is that I’m a part of it.
I can either chase them or not. Given the two options, why wouldn’t I chase?
Often I can be found running with the November Project, reading on a patio, or chatting with friends at the Robin Room.