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Board of Directors

Joseph Dahari

20+ years of high growth sales, innovation, and record setting results across a variety of startups…
Jason Tham

Jason Tham

Jason is an investor with focuses in emerging technology and real estate in Madison. He recently…
Taralinda Willis

Taralinda Willis

Taralinda Willis is the co-founder and CEO of Curate, a venture-capital funded software startup based in…
Ross Rikkers

Ross Rikkers

Ross is a Madison native with strong ties to the community.  He is a Managing Principal…
Leah Roe

Leah Roe

Leah Roe, Co-Founder at The Perk, is the Sh-E-O of all things life and business optimization.…

Ron Bote

I am inspired by entrepreneur stories all the time. They are innovators and disruptors. They are…